Thursday, August 26, 2010

Not safe for work... (NSFW)

...but it's one catchy song. The motion-graphics give it an "un-packed karaoke vid" feeling that makes listening to this joyfully angry song extra humorous and accessible. If you've got co-workers who won't stand for an F-bomb, wait till you've left the office to watch this one.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I've got a thing...

... for how cute this video is. It unpacks the karaoke video concept and makes it extra fun!

Boing! for me...for me...for me...

Monday, August 23, 2010

This is how my ears get laid

Robyn is so hot, and I love this video of her live performance.  If you're not acquainted with her yet, you might fall in love with her, like Letterman does... ;o)

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Shapes and Soundscapes #1

One thing I love in videos is shapes, movement, and color. This one looks like Fibonacci and Pythagoras had Galileo's music video baby, pure and bubbly.

Internet Warrior / Oh No Ono from carolina melis on Vimeo.

Careful, if you stare at it too long and cross your eyes you may be able gleen a Nostradamus prophecy via magic eye.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Robyn might be dancing on her own...

...but this robin (or finch?) takes a trip on his own. A question and warning: Is this work safe? You tell me. This video gem serves up a quivering medley of the adorable, the chilling, the precious, and the gauche - and though completely nudity-free - I actually blushed.

Hermanos Inglesos feat. MeMe - Wanderland from Kristof Luyckx on Vimeo.